Graham Barnell is 43 years old, has been married to Samantha MacRae for 12 years and together they have two children; Jack 7 years and Poppy 3 years old. Graham lives in Melbourne, Australia with Samantha, Jack & Poppy and originally comes from London via Bedfordshire in the UK. Graham is a keen musician and has played bass guitar in numerous bands over the years. He is also an avid reader and a keen movie goer. He enjoys travelling and has visited the USA, Canada, Japan, Italy, Spain, France, the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Greece and drove around Australia with Samantha in an orange 1977 VW Kombi Van in 1996, spending 3 months living in Cairns before their wedding in December of that year. Graham works for Omnigraphics, a large format printers in Port Melbourne and they have been a wonderful support since his diagnosis in April 2007. Graham is keen to get on with his life and is grateful of any support you are able to give. |